Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Rollator Walker or Lightweight Transport Wheelchair??? Why Not Both In 1 Unit!!

People always ask me about Rollator Walkers and my answer is always 'They are great!'  They truly are, they are the best selling piece of medical equipment.  When walking starts to fatigue an individual and they need so extra stability a Rollator Walker solves almost all issues.  When a person walks with the Rollator it gives them a sense of security with their hands gripping on the handles and the wheels gliding smoothing over the terrain.  If the person starts to fatigue they can simple stop, engage the brakes and turn around and have a seat.  Once their strength returns, they are up and walking down the road.  Another reason the Rollator is a great piece of medical equipment is that it comes in a variety of colors, instead of a plain walker with wheels which is grey and looks institutional.   The walker with wheels also lacks a seat so once you are fatigued you still have to make it to the nearest bench or chair.  The only problem with the Rollators are that I am forever seeing people sit in the rollator properly and then someone is behind them using it as a wheelchair!  STOP!!!  That is so dangerous!  It is not meant to be used like that and it will lead to a fall.

So that brings me to the Lightweight Transport Wheelchair?  This is another great piece of equipment, and unlike the Rollator, this actually is made to use to push someone around in.  The Transport wheelchair weighs in at less than 20 pounds making it perfect for anyone who has to lift it to and from their vehicle.  The back of the seat folds down, the leg rests come off and the chair folds almost completely flat.  Only downfall to this product is if someone has the ability to walk but needs a little extra stability, all they can do is ride.  But what if you could have all the advantages to both of these items in one piece of medical equipiment??  Now you can!  The Lumex Hybrid Rollator Transport Wheelchair!

Best of both worlds!  You can walk with it as a rollator walker and when you become fatigued instead of just sitting and waiting you can be pushed SAFELY as it becomes a wheelchair!  This is truely, in my opinion, the best piece of medical equipment for the person who is still able to walk on their own but just needs a little help when fatigued.  When you look at the cost of a rollator $75 and the cost of a lightweight transport wheelchair $125.  The Hybrid Rollator is a steal at $160.   If you have any questions feel free to comment here or email us at info@reylandmedical.com or you can always call us at (844) 244-0240.

More pictures and information available on our website www.reylandmedical.com

Have a blessed day :)

Monday, July 7, 2014

Bad News for Medicare Beneficiaries in Rural Areas!

CMS barrels forward with bidding, bundling

Thursday, July 3, 2014
WASHINGTON – CMS’s plan to expand competitive bidding pricing and implement bundled monthly payments for certain HME is a mixed bag of positives and negatives, industry stakeholders say.
Biggest loser: rural areas
In a July 2 proposed rule, the agency outlines plans to apply competitive bidding prices in non-bid areas by using regional prices limited by a national ceiling (110% of the average of regional prices) and the floor (90% of the average of regional prices).
“Until they calculate the ceiling and the floor, it’s tough to say much about this,” said Kim Brummett, senior director of government affairs for AAHomecare. “But it will be a huge hit in rural areas.”
With 45% cuts, on average, as part of Round 2, the regional prices will likely mean big cuts for providers in rural areas even at 110% of the average of regional prices, stakeholders say. To boot: Providers in rural areas are less likely to see volume increases from the program, due to the demographics of the areas they do business in.
In its comments to an advance notice of proposed rulemaking published in February, AAHomecare argued that pricing for HME in rural areas should receive an add-on, much as it does for home health.
“No rural add-on and average bid rates that were wrong—it just doesn’t add up,” Brummett said.
Stakeholders bristle at the idea of using competitive bidding pricing, in general, for anything going forward.
“We believe the methodology is flawed to begin with and the rates are unsustainable,” said Tom Ryan, president and CEO of AAHomecare.
The agency plans to apply expanded competitive bidding pricing Jan. 1, 2016.
Testing the waters with bundling
CMS also outlines plans to phase in bundled monthly payments for enteral nutrition, oxygen, standard manual and power wheelchairs, hospital beds, CPAP devices and respiratory assist devices furnished in no more than 12 metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs).
“At least it’s a demo,” Brummett said. “The big question: What is the rate going to be?”
The MSAs chosen for the demo would have a general population of at least 250,000 and a Medicare Part B enrollment population of at least 20,000 not already included in Round 1 or 2.
Stakeholders worry what bundled payments will do to patient and quality outcomes, for some products more than others.
“When you’re talking about CPAP, compliance is important, and at the end of the day, you have to make sure you have outcomes,” Ryan said.
The agency plans to implement bundled monthly payments, which would cover equipment, supplies, accessories and any necessary maintenance and repairs, Jan. 1, 2015.
CMS will accept comments on the proposed rule until Sept. 2. It expects the rule to appear in the July 11 Federal Register.

We encourage all of our reads to call the Medicare Complaint hotline at 1-800-404-8702. The hotline is available for anyone who is having any kind of problem as a result of Round 2 or Round 1.  Competitive bidding hurts all medicare beneficiaries please reach out before all your benefits are gone.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Medical Equipment saves Medicare money, study says

WATERLOO, Iowa – Medicare sees significant cost savings when it preserves spending on home medical equipment, according to a new study unveiled at The VGM Group’s Heartland Conference this week.
The study, conducted by Brian Leitten of Leitten Consulting, found, for example, that for every $1 that Medicare pays for mobility equipment, it saves $16.78 in treatment for avoided falls.
“The message is clear: HME does save Medicare money and helps beneficiaries live where they want to be—at home,” said John Gallagher, vice president of government relations for VGM, in a press release.
Other examples from the study: For every $1 Medicare spends on supplemental oxygen therapy, it saves $9.62 in treatment for COPD-caused medical complications; and for every $1 Medicare spends on CPAP therapy, it saves $6.73 for the treatment of OSA-related complications.
HME News Staff - Thursday, June 12, 2014

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Insurance for Medical Equipment helpful information

Medicare Coverage and other Insurance for Specific Types of Home Medical Equipment 
A commode is only covered when the patient is physically incapable of utilizing regular toilet facilities. For example:  The patient is confined to a single room, or the patient is confined to one level of the home environment and there is no toilet on that level, or the patient is confined to the home and there are no toilet facilities in the home.
Heavy-duty commodes are covered for patients weighing over 300 pounds.
Compression Stockings
Hospital Beds
A hospital bed is covered if one or more of the following criteria (1-4) are met: The patient has a medical condition which requires positioning of the body in ways not feasible with an ordinary bed.  Elevation of the head/upper body less than 30 degrees does not usually require the use of a hospital bed, or the patient requires positioning of the body in ways not feasible with an ordinary bed in order to alleviate pain, or the patient requires the head of the bed to be elevated more than 30 degrees most of the time due to congestive heart failure, chronic pulmonary disease, or problems with aspiration. Pillows or wedges must have been considered and ruled out, or The patient requires traction equipment which can only be attached to a hospital bed.
Specialty beds that allow the height of the bed to vary are covered for patients that require this feature to permit transfers to a chair, wheelchair, or standing position.
A semi-electric bed is covered for a patient who requires frequent changes in body position and/or has an immediate need for a change in body position.
Heavy-duty/extra-wide beds can be covered for patients who weigh over 355 pounds.
The total electric bed is not covered because it is considered a convenience feature. If the patient prefers to have the total electric feature, the provider usually can apply the cost of the semi-electric bed toward the monthly rental price of the total electric model by using an Advance Beneficiary Notice (ABN). The patient would be responsible to pay the difference in the retail charges between the two items every month.
Mobility Products: Canes, Walkers, Wheelchairs, and Scooters
Essentially the new Mobility Assistive Equipment regulations will ensure that Medicare funds are used to pay for: 
Mobility needs for daily activities within the home
Least costly alternative/lowest level of equipment to accomplish these tasks.
Most medically appropriate equipment (to meet the needs, not the wants)
Medicare requires that your physician and provider evaluate your needs and expected use of the mobility product you will qualify for.
They must determine which is the least level of equipment needed to help you be mobile within your home to accomplish daily activities by asking the following questions: 
Will a cane or crutches allow you to perform these activities in the home?
If not, will a walker allow you to accomplish these activities in the home?
If not, is there any type of manual wheelchair that will allow you to accomplish these activities in the home?
If not, will a scooter allow you to accomplish these activities in the home?
If not, will a power chair allow you to accomplish these activities in the home?
Keep in mind if you have another higher level product in mind that will allow you to do more beyond the confines of the home setting, you can discuss with your provider the option to upgrade to a higher level or more comfortable product by paying an additional out of pocket fee using the Advance Beneficiary Notice (ABN) to select the product you like best.
A face-to-face examination with your physician is required prior to the initial setup of a power chair or scooter.
Your home must be evaluated to ensure it will accommodate the use of any mobility product.
Patient Lifts
A lift is covered if transfer between bed and a chair, wheelchair, or commode requires the assistance of more than one person and, without the use of a lift, the patient would be bed confined.
An electric lift mechanism is not covered because it is considered a convenience feature. If you prefer to have the electric mechanism, your provider can usually apply the cost of the manual lift toward the purchase price of the electric model by using an Advance Beneficiary Notice (ABN). You would be responsible to pay the difference in the retail charges between the two items.

Seat Lift Mechanisms
In order for Medicare to pay for a seat lift mechanism, patients must be suffering from severe arthritis of the hip or knee, or have a severe neuromuscular disease. In addition they must be completely incapable of standing up from any chair, but once standing they can walk either independently or with the aid of a walker or cane. The physician must believe that the mechanism will improve, slow down, or stop the deterioration of the patient’s condition.
Transferring directly into a wheelchair will prevent Medicare from paying for the device.
Medicare will only pay for the lift mechanism portion. The chair portion of the package is not covered, and you will be responsible for paying the full amount for the furniture component of the chair.
We carry the largest variety of colors and sizes of lift chairs at the guaranteed lowest price!  Take a look at www.reylandmedical.com

Support Surfaces
Group 1 products are designed to be placed on top of a standard hospital or home mattress. They can utilize gel, foam, water, or air, and are covered for patients who are: 
Completely immobile OR have limited mobility with any stage ulcer on the trunk or pelvis (and one of the following): Impaired nutritional status, Fecal or urinary incontinence, Altered sensory perception or Compromised circulatory status
Group 2 products take many forms, but are typically powered pressure reducing mattresses or overlays. They are covered for patients with one of three conditions: 
Multiple stage II ulcers on the pelvis or trunk while on a comprehensive treatment program for at least a month using a Group 1 product, and at the close of that month, the ulcers worsened or remained the same. (Monthly follow-up is required by a clinician to ensure that the treatment program is modified and followed. This product is only covered while ulcers are still present.) OR large or multiple Stage III or IV ulcers on the trunk or pelvis (Monthly follow-up is required by a clinician to ensure that the treatment program is modified and followed. This product is only covered while ulcers are still present.) OR a recent myocutaneous flap or skin graft for an ulcer on the trunk or pelvis within the last 60 days who were immediately placed on Group 2 or 3 support surface prior to discharge from the hospital and the patient has been discharged within last 30 days.